Yes, most of our products have CE and/or FDA certificates.
Yes, all the factories we work with have ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certification.
The factories we work with are mostly located in China.
Yes, you can inquire for product sourcing on our “Inquire” page. Simply select what products you’re interested in, select sourcing option and we will get back to you shortly.
Yes, after you inquire from us, you can request samples of the products you are planning to buy. Our quality is impeccable, so we would be glad to show it to you.
Yes, mentioning that the device can be placed in the original country, in other members states of the European Community, and can be exported in the non-CE member states.
Yes, mentioning the CLASS and all references or dimensions.
Yes, we’re able to provide medical device vigilance for the last 5 years.
You can inquire about a product directly from it’s product page. In case your interests are more detailed, go to our “Inquire” page, select everything you’re interested in, select if you need just the sourcing or if you want to buy directly from us and we will contact you shortly.